Maritime Electric

About Us

Wind Turbine

The Environment

Maritime Electric and its employees are committed to protecting the environment. The Company's operations are carried out with a view to protect the environment and comply with or exceed all applicable environmental regulations.


Maritime Electric provides service to approximately 68,000 customers throughout Prince Edward Island with its head office and call centre located at 180 Kent Street in Charlottetown. The Company owns and operates a fully integrated system providing for the generation, transmission, and distribution of electricity throughout the Island and maintains generation plants in Charlottetown and Borden. Maritime Electric's energy delivery system is linked to the NB Power grid via four submarine cables. These cables enable the Company to purchase energy from the mainland under various contracts.

Purpose of the Maritime Electric OATT

To provide non-discriminatory open-access transmission service over the Maritime Electric transmission system under the terms and conditions of the Maritime Electric OATT.

Green Power